Saturday, June 20

About Us

Senior Editor, Justin Brown (Read More)

Linking Heights is an online-only magazine aimed at giving the Lincoln Heights Ohio citizenry a voice to express the condition and state of the community. Networking, debate, and foundation for change are the primary goals.

This site BELONGS TO OUR CITIZENS, and has been developed as a space for folks to discuss, debate, and / or contribute freely.

This is not an official site of the Village of Lincoln Heights. The articles and contributions presented are submitted by the citizens of the village.

The views and opinions of our contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the village.
On this page

Village Biography (Brief)
by Carolyn F. Smith

Named for President Abraham Lincoln, the village of Lincoln Heights is located in southwestern Ohio and is a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio.Lincoln Heights was the first African American self-governing community north of the Mason-Dixon Line.

The development of Lincoln Heights began in 1923 when the Haley-Livingston Land Company of Chicago sold lots to black families in an unincorporated area called the Cincinnati Industrial Subdivision, now the southern section of Lincoln Heights. Water and sewerage were provided by special assessment through the Works Progress Administration, there were no building and zoning code services, fire and police protection were virtually nonexistent, and street maintenance and lighting were extremely inadequate. In 1939, residents of the area began efforts to incorporate so they could provide safety and necessary services for their growing community. Several of the original petitioners for incorporation lived in the Valley View subdivision, which later became the Wright Aeronautical plant, where many black migrants from the South came to help manufacture the famous B-29 bomber. - by Carolyn F. Smith (READ MORE)

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