Wednesday, June 17

Grades for Cash

Is it appropriate for parents to "reward" their children for earning good grades?


Is it possible that we are doing more harm than good by paying our children for their performance in school. Perhaps we are actually setting them up to ONLY do well in school (and in life) if they are going to be finacially or materially rewarded! What about excellence for its own sake? What about educational goals that promote a life-long love of learning?


It is undeniable that there are children all over the world who receive some sort material incentive for performing well in school. In the west, our institutions of higher-learning offer up a whole plethora of scholarship and grant monies for high performers. In America, where so many kids never even make it out of the 10th grade, what's wrong with REWARDING good grades. The fact is, many will discover a love for learning that they might not have if it had not been for for their materialistic foundations.

** Consider This: Consider the fact that Albert Einstein emerged from the Ghettos of Germany. If America wants the best-of-the-best to compete on the world stage, why should we have to pay for college? Does it not make sense that WE should be paid to go to college? Imagine the number of brilliant, Einstein-like children that reside in our own communities, that will never make it to college simply because they can't afford it!

1 comment:

  1. As a child my mom, aunt and granny "paid" me for grades. It taught me financial responsbility as they would tell me the money earned from my report card was for me to spend on things I wanted, not needed and I must budget. It also taught me that in life you work hard for what you want. Now that I have a child in 1st grade she awarded monetarily. It is also explained to her that she MUST be motivated to do well in school for her own sake, not just for the money. My husband and I feel that school is our children's job. We know we are not going to work for free. Do you have to give cash for grades? No, but I do think some type of reward is great for a child. We all like and want praise for a job well done.


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